Prologis is growing its green energy footprint and helping deliver renewable power to low-income Southern California residents.
In a unique partnership with the Clean Power Alliance (CPA), Prologis will install solar panels on existing warehouses and then sell the power to the CPA, the utility provider for the surrounding communities.
This week, the CPA Board of Directors approved these renewable energy power purchase agreements for five of Prologis’ buildings where we will add solar to the rooftops, capable of generating over 5 megawatts of power. These 15-year agreements will serve disadvantaged communities by providing fixed-rate, clean energy for neighborhoods near our properties.
We are collaborating with CPA as part of their Power Share program, part of California’s Disadvantaged Communities Green Tariff program. These initiatives are designed to encourage the development of clean energy sources in communities across California where residents are unable to install solar on their own roofs. The programs also make the energy more affordable allowing low-income utility customers to use 100% renewable energy for a 20% discount off their energy bill.
The benefits are significant. The five projects will produce enough energy to power more than 2,400 Southern California homes each year while avoiding 3,768 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.
Beyond bill savings and climate change mitigation, the partnership also facilitates workforce development and training opportunities for Los Angeles area residents. Through the development of these new solar projects, Prologis will create nearly 100 new direct construction jobs and 10 permanent jobs for the local community. All the projects are expected to be in operation by the end of 2023.
This partnership is one of the ways we are working toward our goal of reaching one gigawatt of solar storage by 2025 and the commitment to net zero emissions by 2040. Our Global Energy and Sustainability team is working to deploy renewable energy projects across our 4,732 properties, as well as sites we do not own, around the world to make this happen.
Prologis has permitted and built 54 solar rooftop projects within Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. Similar clean energy development projects are in the works across Prologis’ global footprint. Through partnerships with local utilities, we are excited to share access to the clean energy we generate at our sites. This will not only provide value to our customers, but also to the utility grid customers in the communities we operate.